Seeing Life's Meaning
Mark 10:46-52

Who of us could ever forget Thorton Wilder's memorable play "Our Town." There is an unforgettable scene in that play which never fails to intrigue me. Emily has died and has been given special permission to come back to earth for just a brief time. She has arrived at the graveyard of Grover's Corner, New Jersey, where the story takes place. She will experience the same thing as before, but this time with the knowledge of her impending death. The day that she chooses to live over is her twelfth birthday.

Her mother is pre-occupied with preparations for the celebration. Her father returns home from work exhausted. Only Emily is aware of the few precious moments now remaining. She pleads: "Momma, just look at me once as though you really saw me." But her mother pays no attention. Emily can only relive the day; she cannot change anything. She goes to her father and tries to talk to him, but he is busy reading the paper and pays no attention. Finally she can stand it no longer and she finally cries out: "I can't go on. It is going too fast. We don't have enough time to look at one another. I didn't realize what was going on. I never noticed it. Oh earth, you are too wonderful for anyone to realize you." And then she turns to the stage manager and says: "Do any human beings ever recognize life while they live it every, every minute?"

Bartimaeus received his sight. How about you?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations