Seeing Christians
Matthew 13:1-23
by King Duncan

Bruce Larson tells about a young African woman who came to the U.S. from Angola. Her name was Maria and she was always laughing. One day she went to a meeting on evangelism in her church where they were talking about pamphlets, missions, campaigns, and all the rest.

At one point someone turned to Maria and said, "What do they do in your church in Angola, Maria?"

"In my church," said Maria, after a moment's thought, "we don't give pamphlets to people or have missions. We just send one or two Christian families to live in a village. And when people see what Christians are like, then they want to be Christians themselves."

Somehow I believe that is the best way of all to sow the seed of the Gospel. It is the way of love. The best type of sower is the person who loves God and who loves others. The light of Christ shines though their lives. They are "good soil." They respond to the Gospel, then they share that Gospel with others. Of such is the kingdom of God.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan