Running the Filing System
Mark 6:1-13
by King Duncan

Often we forget what our main business is. A super salesman sold a complicated filing system to a thriving business. Three months later, the salesman paid the company a visit. "How is the filing system working out?"

"Magnificently," replied the manager. "Out of this world!"

"How is business?" asked the salesman to the manager.

The manager said, "We had to give up our business to run the filing system!"

Something like that has happened to the church. We have a wonderful structure, we have a wonderful story to tell, we have a highly capable and intelligent sales force, but somehow it seems we spent our time with the filing system rather than looking after our main business: Applying the good news of Jesus Christ to people's real needs. 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Christianglobe Illustrations , by King Duncan