Roots and Wings
by Maxie Dunnam

The two most important things parents can give their children are roots and wings.  Roots and wings -- children need both.

Roots -- a place to feel secure.  That’s what home and family should provide.  A place for persons.  Not just a place for bodies to eat and sleep and watch TV.  Not just a place where our clothes are washed and the car is parked, but a place for persons to feel secure in being who they are.

Not only roots -- wings.  The goal of parenting is to affirm the fact that each child is a unique, unrepeatable miracle of God.  When children realize their own worth, they gain self-esteem.  They can act independently and accept responsibility.  They can soar on strong wings, loved into being by their parents.  Roots and wings are the two most important things parents can give their children. 

But not only children.  Isn’t this what we all need?

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam