Romans 8:28
Romans 8:28
by Michael P. Green

All afternoon a little boy tried to put together his birthday gift from his father, a picture puzzle. Some of the pieces were bright, some dark; some seemed to go together, others seemed to fit nowhere. Finally, frustrated and exhausted and with nothing to show for his efforts, the boy gathered the pieces, put them in the box, and gave it to his dad. “I can’t do it,” he explained. “You try it.”

To his amazement, his father assembled the entire puzzle in a few minutes. “You see,” he said, “I knew what the picture was like all the time. I saw the picture in the puzzle, but you saw only the pieces.”

Paul tells us here that God causes all things to work together for good. Those “all things” are the pieces. He then tells us how they work together for the good—according to God’s purpose. That is the picture. Are you perplexed and frustrated over this event or that happening in your life? Do not take the situation out of God’s hand and try to work it into your own design. God made the picture your life is composed of, and he will complete it—if you will let him.

Baker Books, 1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching, by Michael P. Green