Ring Bear
Matthew 22:1-14
by Leonard Sweet

The five year old nephew of the bride was chosen to be in charge of carrying the rings down the aisle. At the wedding rehearsal he was unusually unruly. He kept leaping out at people, baring his teeth at and then chasing the flower girls. He growled and snarled as he practiced going down the aisle. He brandished the pillow like a pistol. Finally his mother pulled him aside and demanded to know why he was behaving so badly.

"But Mom," he explained, "I have to act fierce — I'm the ‘Ring Bear.'"

Like so many of us that little boy misunderstood just what role he was supposed to play. He thought he was called to be big, imposing, fearsome, large and in charge. He thought he was to BE the "star of the show." He thought the spotlight was his.

But he wasn't supposed to BE a bear, he was supposed to offer the supportive role of "ring bearer." His role was important. The pastor, not to mention the bride and groom, needed those rings down front. But the focus of the wedding ceremony was not on the ring bearer. The reason for the wedding celebration was not him.

The invited guests at the Wedding Banquet (which is actually an invitation to the Kingdom of God) lost focus and missed the meaning. There is a celebration. The party has arrived. The wedding has begun. Don't miss it.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Leonard Sweet