Religious People
John 4:39-42, John 4:27-38, John 4:1-26
by Thomas Long

Recently, a team of sociologists surveyed a representative group of several hundred "Baby Boomers" who had been raised in a serious and committed church environment. In fact, every person in the sample group had been confirmed in the church as an adolescent. When the research team tracked these people, it found that they still consider themselves "religious" -- over 90 percent of these young adults describe themselves that way -- but they do not bother much to express that religiosity in church -- less than half of them regularly attend worship.

And, not unexpectedly, those who were not raised in a religious environment participate in church even less actively than the sample group, but that doesn't mean they aren't "religious," too; indeed, they are nearly unanimous in their willingness to affirm their devout belief.

CSS Publishing Company, Loving Jesus, Hating the Church, by Thomas Long