Relationship with Christ
John 15:1-8 
by Staff

Marion Anderson, perhaps the greatest contralto who ever lived had such a wonderful relationship with her mother. It was said of Mrs. Anderson's life: her music could bring one to tears; her life could bring one to their knees. She was once being interviewed and she was asked the most wonderful moment in her most impressive career. She could have mentioned that time when the great Arturo Toscanini told her that hers was the greatest voice of the century. She could have mentioned that time when she sang before the Roosevelt's and the King and Queen of England. She could have said it was winning a coveted award for the person who had done the most for her hometown of Philadelphia. There was also the time when she sang before a crowd of 75,000 on Easter Sunday beneath the Lincoln statue. Which of these high moments would she chose? None of them. My greatest moment, she said, is when I went home to my mother and said: Mom, you'll never have to take in washing again. If this relationship can exist between a mother and a daughter, then how much more can be our relationship with Jesus Christ? I am the true vine he said. As the father has loved me, so I love you. And what happens when we abide in him and he abides in us? Our joy will be made full. Amen.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Staff