Rebellion in the Vineyard - Sermon Starter
Mt 21:33-46
by King Duncan

A friend of journalist David Halberstam was planning a visit to Japan. It would be his first visit, and he was a little anxious because he couldn't speak Japanese. How would he communicate with the people he came in contact with?

Since most taxi drivers do not speak English, someone suggested that it might be a good idea to carry with him something bearing the name of the hotel at which he would be staying written in Japanese. That was exactly what he did. As soon as he arrived in Japan he picked up a box of matches bearing the name and address of his hotel. Then he went sight-seeing.

Afterwards he got into a taxi and did as the friend suggested, he took the box of matches out of his pocket to show the driver where he wanted to go. There were a few awkward moments before the driver understood. Finally his face lit up. Quickly they sped away. Half an hour later, the taxi came to a screeching halt. The driver turned and beamed at his passenger, pointing out the window. There was only one problem. They had stopped, not in front of a hotel, but a match factory!

Have you ever had an experience like that? Someone will say something and for whatever reason you do not understand. It's as if they were speaking a foreign language. You want to go back to the hotel and instead find yourself in front of a match factory.

There were times when Jesus tried to communicate profound truths to those around him and they acted as if he were from Mars. He would say something and he could watch their eyes glaze over. Particularly he had difficulty getting through to the religious officials of his day. They wanted nothing to do with him or his teachings. They condemned him without even listening to him. They were so sure of themselves and their standing in the community that they were impervious to everything he did or said.

What would you do in that situation? You are trying to communicate something important, but they just don't get it. You're not getting through. That was the situation Jesus found himself in. So he did what he often did, he told a story. He told a story of rebellion that communicates some key information about our role in His kingdom.

We are to remember that, though it is His kingdom, we have a responsibility. Because…

1. There Is Rebellion in the Vineyard.
2. We Are the Tenants.
3. And He Calls Us to Good Stewardship.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan