Really Hearing
Mark 7:24-30
by Thomas Peterson

There are levels of seeing. We can merely look at something, letting the visual scene register like a photograph; it's just there. Or, we can look so that seeing brings with it understanding. Yogi Berra is reported to have said, "We can observe a lot just by looking." The new relationships that are opened to us give rich meaning to our lives. The same interpretation applies to the act of hearing. A wife says with a tired voice, "I'm going out for a walk a long walk," a deep sigh, " a long, long, long walk." The husband says nothing. In a few hours she comes back and tells him how upset she is over a certain issue. He looks up from the paper and says, "Well, why didn't you tell me you were upset? Then I could have done something about it."

"Why didn't I tell you? Why didn't you hear me when I said I was going out for a long, long, long walk?" "I heard you, but you like to walk."

The man had evidently heard but not well enough to understand.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., The Needle's Eye, by Thomas Peterson