Reach Out
Mark 5:21-43
by Harold H. Lentz

The woman with the issue of blood was healed because she reached out to Christ, reached to touch his garment. We, too, can reach out to Christ and as a result receive innumerable blessings. In fact, throughout our life there are so many things that we can possess if we only reach out to secure them. Many of the greatest names in history would have remained unknown if they had failed to reach out when opportunity presented itself. Examples of this include William Shakespeare, who was the son of a bankrupt butcher and a mother who could not even spell her own name. The great musician, Beethoven, was not born to international acclaim; his father was a well-known drunkard and his mother was sickly, afflicted with tuberculosis. Michael Faraday was born over a stable where his father carried on the trade of a blacksmith, and his mother earned money as a cleaning woman. With only a second grade education Michael Faraday became one of the most productive and famous scientists of all time. His discoveries in the field of electricity are considered the basis for all modern progress.

We have so much within reach if we only seek it. This is especially true when one reaches out to accept the offer of abundant living which Christ offers to everyone.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, Preaching The Miracles, by Harold H. Lentz