Radio On and Antenna Up
by Maxie Dunnam

The S.S. California was only six miles away when the Titanic sank, but its radio was turned off.  The S.S. Carpathia was a far greater distance away, but its radio was turned on.  The distress signal was heard and this vessel arrived in time to save hundreds of lives.  The California, however, only ten miles away, became aware of the tragic loss only after it was too late.

I’ve seen that happen in families and among friends.  We can be side by side with people and never be aware that they’re torn up inside.  Sometimes that’s our fault; sometimes it’s theirs. We can hide from each other.  We can also be so preoccupied with our own selves that we are deaf and dumb to the signals for help that loved ones are desperately sending.  Keep your radio on and your antenna up.  Someone you love may send a signal for help.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam