Put Back on Track
Lk 1:26-38
by King Duncan

Michael Hendrix tells about a dinner party he once attended during the Christmas season. The house was properly decorated, including an electric train set up around the base of the tree. One of the children was running the train too fast and it derailed. She was bent over the train trying to put it back on the track. The host noticed what she was doing and went over to help. He said to her, "You can't do that from above; you have to get down beside it." Then he lay down on the floor beside the train where he could see to place the train back on the track.

"What a wonderful way to think about the incarnation," Hendrix says. "The human race had derailed and needed to be put back on the track of life. It couldn't be done from above; God had to come down beside us in order to put us on track. That's what God did in Jesus Christ. God came and lived among us in the person of His Son Jesus to show us His love and to put us back on the track of life."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan