Pursuing Dreams
Mk 10:35-45
by King Duncan

There is a wonderful story about the King and Queen of Sweden who were attending the 1980 Olympic Winter Games in Lake Placid, New York. Trying to get into an ice hockey game featuring the Swedish team, they were stopped by the ticket taker because their tickets were for another game on another day. The King said that the correct tickets were in his car and he asked that they be allowed in without the correct tickets: “Could you make an exception for us, please?” he said. “You see, I’m the King of Sweden.”

The ticket taker responded, “Sure you are, and I suppose this is the Queen.”

The King and Queen of Sweden went back to their car to get the correct tickets . . . only to see it being towed away.

I guess it is a little different being the King and Queen of Sweden and being, say, the Queen of England. The job obviously comes with fewer perks.

How about your job? Are you at the place you had hoped to be at this stage of your life? We spend our whole lives pursuing dreams and goals. The aim is to go higher, to become greater. To have more perks, as it were. That is the mark of success. It even affects our families. We want our children to become doctors and lawyers and engineers. Nobody tries to persuade their children to become servants. What?! A servant? But sometimes God’s way confuses man’s wisdom.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan