Prophecies Concerning the Passion
Matthew 26:57-68, Matthew 26:47-56, Matthew 26:36-46, Matthew 26:31-35, Matthew 26:17-30, Matthew 26:14-16

Old Testament prophecies concerning Jesus and the events of Holy Week:

Betrayed by a friend - Ps 41:9
Sold for 30 pieces of silver - Zech 11:12
False witnesses accusing Him - Ps 27:12
Silent when accused - Isaiah 53:7
Struck and spit on - Isaiah 50:6
Suffered in our place - Isaiah 53:4-5
Hands and feet pierced - Ps 22:16
Mocked and insulted - Ps 22:16-18
Prayed for His enemies - Ps 109:4
His side pierced - Zech 12:10
Soldiers cast lots for His clothes - Ps 22:18
Not a bone broken - Ps 34:20
Buried with the rich - Isaiah 53:9

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