Prepared The Moment
Matthew 25:1-13
by Brett Blair

In 1998 the four time Governor of Alabama George Wallace died, but before he died, he openly admitted that when he stood at the door of the University of Alabama and denied entrance to blacks that he was wrong. He even apologized for that action and became something of a hero for repenting of his intolerance and recanting those views. I affirm that change of mind in him. Yet, when his great moment in history came, he was not prepared and he missed his great opportunity. Charles Colson also repented of his role in the infamous Watergate affair. He is now involved in full time Christian work, has authored books, and has been an advocate of prison reform. His conversion is truly a genuine one and I affirm that. But the tragedy will always be there that when his great opportunity in history came, he was not prepared, and he missed it. Oh the tragedy of missed opportunities.

Jesus is telling us in this simple parable of the tragedy of the unprepared life, that we are at all times to be prepared, for no man knows the hour. My friends, the best way to get ready for tomorrow, is to be ready today. A time will come when no further preparation is possible.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair