Preparation for the Mountaintop
Mark 9:2-9
by David E. Leininger

When children are small, parents discover that there are some words that we cannot say at the dinner table. As soon as we say words like "cookies, candy, or cake," our kids do not want to eat supper any more. They know what "cookies, candy and cake" mean, but they do not seem to understand the word "later." They want the dessert now. Forget the main course. If we let them eat the sweet stuff, we know they will not be interested in the nutritious stuff. They would never have a healthy diet. 

A mountaintop experience is like dessert. If that is the extent of our spiritual diet, we will be poorly fed. Our faith will be unhealthy. It will be not much more than a spiritual rabbit's foot, something that protects us from problems divine cures for sickness, financial worries, the anxieties of life the glory on the mountain top. We need some preparation before we can truly appreciate the WOW.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., by David E. Leininger