When I was asked to speak on the topic "Power of the Pulpit" I could not help but think about a term that originated with Theodore Roosevelt when he was President of the United States. He referred to the White House as a "Bully Pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which one could persuasively advocate the truth.
In a real sense I believe that every church pulpit should be a "Bully Pulpit." I am reminded of the story of a little boy who was talking to his mom, and he said, "Mother, may I be a preacher when I grow up?" His mother said, "Well, I suppose you can, but are you sure that's what you want to be?" He said, "Well, since I've got to go to church anyhow, and since I hate to sit still and be quiet, I'd rather go to church and stand up and holler."
Well, even though we do more tha…