Pleasing Our Parents
Mk 1:9-15
by King Duncan

When baseball great Henry Aaron hit his 715th home run, breaking Babe Ruth's remarkable record, this is what he said: I don't remember the noise, the two kids that ran on the field, or my teammates at home plate... I do remember seeing them. But what I remember was my mother out there and she was hugging me. That's what I'll remember more than anything about that home run when I think back on it. I don't know where she came from, but she was there...

Hank Aaron a veteran ballplayer, known and applauded by millions, and what he remembered most was that his mother was there when he broke that record. Few of us ever escape the desire to please our parents. For some persons, that is the primary motivation that drives them on to success even though their parents may have been dead for many years and even though they may not even be conscious of it. We are still trying to please Dad or Mom.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan