Planning Tomorrow, Neglecting Today
Matthew 6:25-34
by Maxie Dunnam

Time management is a needed aspect of life.  We waste so much time because we don’t plan our use of it.

But I have a larger problem.  I often get so caught up in planning and preparing for tomorrow that I miss today.  I seek to stabilize and secure tomorrow at the neglect and expense of today.

Knowing my failure, I am seeking to remember two truths.  One, the best thing I can do about tomorrow is also to make today the best it can be.  Tomorrow is seldom good if we miss today.  The lesson is this:  wait until tomorrow to live tomorrow.

Two, tomorrow does not belong to us.  It has not yet come.  But tomorrow will always be tomorrow.  It won’t be today.  So what you must be is ready.  Manage your time, but live tomorrow tomorrow.  Don’t live it today.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam