by John H. Krahn

Perfect love cannot be defined by imperfect people. Our world is full of statements of love. We have love songs, love perfumes, love manuals, and love stories. Love is a very popular concept. Yet perfect love, the kind that can even cast out fear, is not earthbound. Instead, it is heaven-found.

Perfect love is a love that gives of itself to another person then forgets the favor rendered. It is a love that finds something to love in the seemingly unlovable. It is one that states, "I love you because you need me, and I need to give myself away to people who need help."

Jesus Christ is perfect love. When Jesus Christ is the master of our lives, then perfect love dwells within us. Perfect love is a force within that enables us to be sensitive to the needs of others and to desire to fill them. It is a motivating power that enables us to give strength and peace. It is "you" love before "me" love. With a child it says, "I love you and as you grow older, I will constantly be loosening the apron strings so that you can develop into your own person." With parents it says, "I love you and will try to act in a way to make you proud of me." With a spouse it says, "I love you and I want you to be happy and to achieve the fullest stature of your being." Love is not primarily a result, but a cause. It causes people to grow into happiness. It is not primarily a product, but it produces. It produces fulfilled and whole people.

Perfect love is Christ flowing through us. The secret to perfect love is to have a personal relationship with Christ ... Jesus Christ, the friend of sinners, as our friend. Receive perfect love today for your sake and for the sake of those around you.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Seasonings For Sermons, Vol. III, by John H. Krahn