You will find proud people in every profession and in every faith. I was amused to read about Frank B. Vardeman a Presbyterian pastor in Tampa, Florida, who was using the word "pastoring" in something he was writing. He was using Word Perfect on his computer, and when he hit his computer's spellcheck key, it said the word "pastoring" was unknown. The checker suggested the following alternatives:
(a) pasturing as in pasturing cattle
(b) pestering, and posturing.
After a gut laugh, says Vardeman, he realized how true it is. Some pastors, like some laymen, spend most of their hours either pasturing, pestering or posturing.
It reminds me of a certain conqueror who went to a Muslim holy man and said: "Mulla, all the great rulers of the past had honorific titles with the name of God in them: there was, for instance, God-Gifted, and God-Accepted, and so on. How about some such name for me?"
"God Forbid," said the holy man.