by John H. Krahn

As Jesus preached his Sermon on the Mount, he turned to his disciples and said, "You are the salt of the earth." Salt, in New Testament times, was seen as something that kept the world from spoiling and becoming tasteless. "Pass the salt," Jesus said, in effect, to them.

Today’s Christian should pass the salt to an increasingly tasteless world. What the world needs is an ever-expanding number of salty characters - salty Christians who stimulate the spiritual appetites of everyone who comes into contact with them.

Jesus Christ was no passive patsy. He engendered strong opinion during his lifetime. He was the salt of the earth, and people’s lives changed as they encountered his.

Pass the salt! For God’s sake, pass the salt! Yes, for God’s sake, let’s see some more salt. God needs us to present his message to his world in an exciting way. We are to be the salt of the earth.

It takes very little effort to be tasteless in today’s world. But God wants us to be salty characters ... not in a racy, earthy sense but in an enhancing sense. Christians should enrich the lives of others. Having an engaging manner, we should cause people who meet us to comment, "He is so refreshing." "She is delightful; her faith makes her sparkle."

Christians should never become completely satisfied with themselves. You must always believe that you are in the hands of God ready for remolding. You ought to be willing to pass his salt in whatever way God commands you. "Not my will, O Lord, but yours be done in my life," is the Christian’s prayer.

Does your life ever bore you? If it does, then risk it! Not daredevil style. Rather, risk it in the service of the Lord of the universe.

Christian! pass the salt.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Seasonings For Sermons, Vol. III, by John H. Krahn