Parable of the Wall Socket
Matthew 5:13-16

"Mother, her face just shines," said Linda.

"Yes, she has an inner glow," said her mother. "Her spirit is wonderful."

"You'd think she had a light bulb on somewhere in her head."

"Well, she's happy and she loves people. She's a working Christian," said the mother.

"It would be nice if everyone could look so bright and cheerful," said the daughter. "Mother, this vacuum isn't working again."

"Yes, it is. Look at the plug. There's your trouble. You didn't put both prongs in the socket. See, like this."

"Oh, that's it," said the daughter. "No wonder the motor would not go."

Using electricity requires both the inflow and the outflow of power to complete the circuit. The Christian life also requires, that in lighting up a life, the inflowing of God's Spirit must also flow outward to others and back to God to make the circuit complete. A light bulb will not light up, if the circuit is broken inside or outside.

Christians have the obligation, the opportunity, and the job of letting their lives glow with God's knowledge, and Christian service. And those, who so engage themselves, write the most beautiful stories that man may know.

It is not easy, but it is worthwhile. If Christian believers do not do the will of God in spreading His love to all, His Truth to all, His blessings to all, the light goes out and many stumble in the darkness of selfishness and fear.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc,