Parable of the Tree Brace
Psalm 1:1-6

"Why are you putting that big stick next to that little tree?" said Richard.

"Someone ran over the curb with their car and knocked it down. So I'm bracing it to make it grow straight." said the father.

"Gosh, if it's that weak," said the boy, "how can it ever grow to be a beautiful tree?'

"Watch and see," said the father. "If it is guided and fed long enough it can become a tall, strong and beautiful shade tree for it is the right kind of tree."

Human beings are like trees in many ways. In the early years of growth with proper support and good care they may grow in ways that God intends and may come to the fullness of strength and beauty.

Blows that would otherwise destroy them are withstood because of the protective care; and the nourishment that is furnished at church, the school and the home all furnish important care for their members who are thus able to withstand trials that destroy lives which are denied these blessings.

Sound thinking citizens accept the responsibility of supporting those institutions which both inspire, direct and correct daily living and supply sources for human health and happiness.

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