Parable of the Record
Matthew 6:25-34

"Put your dime in the machine and punch A-3," said the girl. "That's my favorite record."

"Mary, you don't want to hear that again!" said Bill. "They've just played it three times."

"That's all right," said Mary, "on pay day I'm buying that record and I'm going to play it over and over."

"Don't forget you are going to church with me Sunday," said Bill.

"I don't know whether I'm going or not," said Mary. "It's always the same old thing."

"You better go," said Bill, "you need it. After listening to Frankie holler on that record over and over, there are a number of things that should be repeated to you."

It is true that people like best that which is familiar to them and at the same time often reject that which is repetitious. But all people want Christmas to be Christmas, Easter to be Easter and Thanksgiving to be Thanksgiving.

To often they do not see that the joy of the harvest cannot be realized without the labor of spring and the cultivation of summer. The childlike joy of surprise on Christmas morning is the result of careful shopping as well as the use of hard earned money and Easter would not be with us without the crucifixion of Good Friday. There are many things that we learn slowly and by great repetition. Great things have a great price.

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