Parable of the Quarrelsome Child
Matthew 5:9
by Staff

"Jimmy, why are you sitting there all alone?"

"Nobody wants to play with me. They always fight with me."

"Why don't you go over and see Billy?"

"No, he always wants his own way."

"You could play with Dick," said the mother.

"No, we had a fight this morning. I punched him in the nose and his mother sent me home."

"How about Jack?"

"We had a fight in the school yard."

"If everyone fights with you, maybe it's you," said the mother.

"See, you're picking on me, too. Everybody picks on me."

"It is natural to disagree once in awhile with people, but, if everybody quarrels with you and it takes two to quarrel, you must be looking for trouble."

"I don't care. They can all go soak their heads. I don't like any of them."

A person or a nation that is always at odds with others needs some self-examination. Certainly there are principles worth fighting for, but individuals that are always quarrelsome and nations that are torn by strife are going against the principles of man and God and are most likely to be destroyed.

And even when destruction does not come, there remains a misery in existence that is far from really living. Love brings understanding, patience, and promotes peace having the highest goals for the well-being and happiness of all.

To be sitting in a corner all alone day after day at odds with others is a cruel existence. There are new methods and new ways to be sought that can bring about more human happiness, if we follow the teachings of Christ.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, by Staff