Parable of the Passing Parade
Luke 6:37-42

In a small western town an old minister was marching in a Memorial Day parade along with the soldiers and dignitaries.

Gathered on the sidewalk were crowds of the local people including the town lawyer, mayor, doctor, dentist, and business executives.

A little boy standing in front said, "What's the preacher doing in the parade? What battle did he ever fight"?

Behind him the lawyer said, "Well son, he helped me personally."

The doctor said, "He has helped me with some personal problems too."

The dentist said, "He has helped me several times" and the president of a local company said, "He saved my life."

The boy said, "You mean he helped all you big people."

A little old lady spoke up, "I am not a big person, but he sure helped me. I reckon he is fighting battles all the time."

Marching in the parade the minister said, "I don't know what I am doing here. I've never been to war and my work never shows."

The major next to him said, "It is all right. You belong here. Don't belittle your ministry."

We are all intricately woven together in community life and each man's ministry is important in the total picture.


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