Parable of the Highway to Worship
Matthew 13:1-23

Two worshipers rose early and set out for their appointed place of worship. One rising hummed a hymn, as he made ready for church. On the way he said to himself, "This is the day of the Lord, and I will be glad in it."

He noted a cardinal flitting in the trees and praised God for its beauty. He saw icicles dripping from the drain and was conscious of their beauty.

He entered church warmly greeting all he saw. He entered the sanctuary and bowed in prayer rejoicing in the music, the beauty of church architecture and found food in the sermon. His heart was full and he went forth rejoicing.

The second worshiper rose with reluctance saying, "I would rather stay in bed." He journeyed to church with resentment against others who did not attend, He was angered by the busy noises of folk greeting each other and hastened to his pew which was already taken. Finding another seat, he critically analyzed the music, the sermon and his neighbors. He went forth dissatisfied and weary wishing he had stayed in bed.

It was the same church, It was the same music. It was the same sermon and the worshippers returned to the same home, but there was a world of difference!

Jesus answered them saying, "Therefore speak I to them in parables; because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive."

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