"Did you see that fellow that passed just now? I wonder what is wrong with him?" said George.
"He's had some brain damage in an accident, and it affects part of his body. He's really a nice fellow. I see him in church every Sunday," said Jim.
"If seeing him in church makes him a nice fellow," said George, "there must be damage to another part of my brain."
"What I meant," answered Jim, "is that's how I got to know him quite well, and thus he explained to me about his handicap. When you understand him, then you see past the physical difficulty. And frankly, George, since you brought the subject up, going to church would do a lot for your brain and your attitude toward others."
It is true that different parts of our body are directed by different parts of our brain, having different functions to control. It is true, also, that "man cannot live by bread alone." If we fill our mind with evil thoughts, we have committed our lives to enmity with God and enmity with our selves. We are all our own worst enemy, doing things to ourselves that others cannot or would not do. We should be our own best friends in doing what is right.
If we treat our enemies with Christian understanding, our friends would be the most blessed of all.
Jesus said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Somehow, seeing people in church not only associates them with thoughts of kindness, but, also, we make contact with their personality when we are in the best frame of mind to give proper understanding.