Parable of Stringed Music and Soul Whispers
Malachi 3:6-18

There is a sense of fineness
In music of the strings
That sing of life's sweet beauties
And the joys they bring.

Some thoughts so gentle that they speak
In softer words than lips may say.
Of souls that hide behind the scenes
And whisper only when we pray.

We travel through the life that's here,
Conversing on a hundred things.
And deep beneath the busy days
The soul of what we are takes wings.

We leave unspoken finest thoughts
Of love, and friendship, wisdom's way
And hasten on in endless work
Denying what we are within -- a soul that prays.

But music offered on the strings
Somehow causes us to pause
And meditate upon the power
That moves us with a holy cause.

The tune-up music of a stringed ensemble is a familiar din to music lovers, but skilled cooperation under a skilled baton can produce heavenly music.

When we are in harmony with God, our soul sings of His glory.

The feeling one experiences is its own proof.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc,