Parable of Strange Words
1 Corinthians 14:1-25

"Do you like church, Mother?" said Jimmy, as they walked home from the Sunday services.

"Of course, I do. I love my church. Don't you?"

"I like the singing and I like the friendly people and I do like the minister, but I don't know what he says."

"Do you mean that you don't understand the sermon?" asked the surprised mother. "I think he talks quite plainly."

"Oh, I know the children's story all right, but many of the words I don't know and I start thinking about other things."

"Tell you what," said the mother. "Next Sunday you write down each word that you don't understand, as best you can write it, and I'll try to explain them. We will make a game of it. I will give you a nickel for each word that is new, but you can only collect once for that word because the next Sunday you should know what it means."

Jimmy was right. Strange words that go unexplained drive the hearer to thinking in other fields; the speaker loses his audience when he speaks a strange tongue. Difficult words may flatter the egos of those who understand them and may win some respect from the learned, but the price of sending the young folks away hungry is too great.

The burden placed upon any minister or teacher is a great one of bringing understanding, knowledge, truth and inspiration to all growing minds. Parents also should help in the development of the vocabulary by learning and explaining new words in the family conversations. A handy dictionary is a worthy tool.

St. Paul, as the most learned writer in the New Testament, was aware of the importance of clear and simple speech and followed the example of Jesus most of the time in simplicity.

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