Parable of Jealousy and Jeopardy

"Why does Tommy have so many fine toys and I have only a few?" asked Richard.

"We have tried to see that both you boys receive equally from all that we can give you," answered the mother, "but you seem to break up your toys, and never pick them up or take care of them."

"But his toys look better than mine, and they last longer," argued Tommy. "I throw mine around because they are not very good anyhow."

"Just like that Walt Disney tune says, 'it's what you do with what you've got, that pays off in the end,' " counseled the mother. "You must learn to think of your things as more precious and treat them so, that is why Tommy's things last longer and look better."

God gives many good gifts to everyone of his children. These gifts must be developed into real talents for living a valuable life. Whether cooking, sewing, baking, writing, singing or swimming, each talent in life that is developed comes out of respect for and use of the native gifts of the Creator. Jealousy of what others have is a poison of the human spirit which often keeps one's own talents and personality from proper development. You do not carelessly mishandle other people's time or talents, if you have the right evaluation of the days and the opportunities God gives you.

Sound religion gives you the right views and the real laws that lead to human happiness. Be on time for appointments thus respecting the time God gives. Take care in handling the property of others and learn to care for your own. Give love and appreciation with sincerity and find that you are respected and appreciated as well. One who wrecklessly handles the property which is his own cannot be trusted to respect that which is anothers. Jealousy discounts the values of one's own gifts, and places all he has in jeopardy.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc.,