Parable of Four Chained Men
John 3:1-21
by Staff

Four men were chained to trees in the black woods. They were hungry, heartsick, discouraged prisoners.

Then came a traveler. He knew the way to free them. He knew the combination to the locks, which held the chains, and could set the prisoners free.

He set the first man free, and then he went to the second man and freed him. In turn he cared for the third man, but failed to be able to loose the fourth.

The fourth was left in chains with the combination to his lock in doubt.

Many rejoiced at the heroic rescue, but the hero remained unsatisfied that the fourth continued a prisoner.

Why were these men prisoners? Who had chained them? What had brought rescue?

The first man's chains were terror of God, and he sought to deny any religion or any relationship to God. The sins of fear and doubt kept him chained in the forest of hate and ignorance.

The second man's chains were made of race prejudice, and he thought himself superior to those of another color. He was imprisioned in the forest of hate and ignorance.

The third man was chained with a self-righteous attitude, thinking he could do no wrong and needed no mercy to be given to others. He was lost through loneliness and chained in the. forest of hate and ignorance.

The rescuer used God's Word to set the prisoners free. (John 3:16) "For God so loved the world ...--" (Acts 17:24-26) "God has made of one blood all nations of men ...--". (I Corinthians 8:8) "Meat does not commend us to God -- whether we eat it or eat it not."

The fourth kept his chains and home in darkness for he had no faith and would not believe his own brother.

Have you any chains? Are you in a forest?

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, by Staff