Parable of Easter and the Planting Season
John 4:27-38

"I love the Easter Season. It sure was fun with all the candy and things we got too," said Carolyn.

"I like the Christmas Season better," said Joan, "the music, the decorations, and the presents, too."

"Yes, but now that Easter is over, all we can look forward to is vacation," said Polly.

"I used to live in the country and as soon as Easter was over, we did a lot of planting of our seeds for the garden. We all had fun thinking what we were going to raise and watching it grow," said Martha.

Many Christians act like little children in the evaluation of the Christian life. They like the big holidays, but Christian growth needs to take place every day of the year and right after Easter is a wonderful time for the dedication of the Lenten Season to spring forth in action.

It was the time in the biblical story of thousands who were won into the Christian fellowship and those who had fallen away, began with new vigor to grow in Christ's service. There are always wonderful jobs to be done for the betterment of mankind and the building of the Christian Kingdom.

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