Pain Is Part of the Process
Mark 1:9-15
by King Duncan

Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was a very devout Roman Catholic evangelist. One of the stories that grew out of his ministry concerns a time when he was baptizing new converts in a river. He would wade out waist-deep into the water and call out for new Christians to come to him, one by one, to receive the sacrament.

Once he baptized a mountain chieftain. Saint Patrick was holding a staff, called a crosier, in his hands as the new converts made their way to the water. Unfortunately, as he was lowering the chief down under the water three times, he also pressed his staff down into the river bottom. Afterwards the people on the riverbank noticed their chief limp back to shore. Someone explained to Patrick that, as he pressed the wooden staff into the riverbed, he must have also bruised the foot of the chief. Patrick went to the chief at once and asked, "Why did you not cry out when I struck your foot?"

Surprised, the chief answered, "I remembered you telling us about the nails in the cross, and I thought my pain was part of my baptism." When I read that, I could not help but think how many of us would have been baptized if we knew pain was part of the process.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan