Outside of God
John 10:22-30
by Donald B. Strobe

I often think of the words of the late Dr. Leslie Weatherhead of City temple in London, who was asked on a radio program near the end of his life, "What have you learned from life?" He replied that he had learned many things from the rough and tumble of 45 years in the Christian ministry, but the one outstanding thing he learned was this: "Life will only work out one way, and that is God's way. (God) made it like that. Every other way has across it a barricade bearing a notice which says No thoroughfare this way.' If you surmount the barrier, there is a precipice. (We) will not learn the truth of a half dozen words: OUTSIDE GOD THERE IS ONLY DEATH!'" (Key Next Door, New York and Nashville: The Abingdon Press, 1941, pp. 88,89)

I would add only one thing to his wise words. From over forty years in the Christian ministry, I have learned one more thing: Outside of Jesus Christ I simply don't know very much about God. But with Him, I know that God is love. I know that he is the gateway into the heart of a loving God.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Donald B. Strobe