Our Spiritual Fuel
John 16:12-15
by Bill Bouknight

A few years ago in the Rose Bowl parade in Pasadena, a float stalled. Frustrations increased quickly because other floats could not move, and this event was televised around the world. Mechanics quickly descended upon the stalled float, searching all over for the problem. Finally, someone had the presence of mind to check on the fuel level of the vehicle. It was empty, out of gas. This became even more embarrassing when the crowd realized that the float's sponsor was one of the major oil companies.

Did you know that Christians can run out of gas too? It happens all too frequently. A Christian's inner resources can be depleted by struggles, temptations, trouble, and grief. Unless that Christian is receiving fresh resources from a reliable source, he or she will be in trouble.

We have such a source, available and inexhaustible. That source is the Holy Spirit.

As Chuck Swindoll wrote, "What fuel is to a car, the Holy Spirit is to the believer. He energizes us to stay the course. He motivates us in spite of obstacles. He keeps us going when the road gets tough. In short, he is our spiritual fuel."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Bill Bouknight