Opening Minds
Luke 24:25
by Brett Blair

It is the very last instructions that the disciples receive from Jesus. It took all of 30 seconds to deliver. 70 words in today's English. 41 in the Greek. Just before the teaching there's an interesting comment. Luke says that Jesus opened their minds. It's an interesting image isn't it? This opening of the mind. I'm not sure that anything significant in this world can be accomplished without it.

There is the story of the man who refused to go to church. His wife prayed that one day he would attend but he insisted there was always to much to be done on their farm. After a lot of negotiating they reached an agreement. He would go if she would stay behind and get the work done. That afternoon, when he returned, she could hardly wait.

She asked, "Did you go to Sunday service?"
"Yes," he answered.

"How was the service?" she queried.
"Ummm," he answered.

"How was the Pastor's sermon?"
"Ummm," he responded again.

"Did you even hear the sermon?"
"Yes," he answered.

"Well then. What was it about?"

"Well what did he say about sin?"
"He was against it."

An open mind! I'm not sure that man had one. What I am sure of is that in these 30 seconds the Kingdom of God, and the Life and Christ, and the meaning of the cross and the empty tomb, and the mission they were being given came flooding into their open minds. All at once their lives were changed, and so would their world be, because Christ opened their minds.

He's ready to open yours.

ChristianGlobe, Inc., by Brett Blair