One Little Act
John 1:29-34
by Leonard Sweet

I read the story recently about a busy airport, where a line of travelers were waiting to buy tickets. The line grew so long and moved so slowly that patience was wearing thin. At the worst possible moment, two boisterous women carrying large suitcases started elbowing their way to the front.

A man near the head of the line saw that the two women were pushing and shoving and feared that the situation was getting out of control. Consequently he offered them his own position. This response took everyone, including the two women, by surprise. And a great quiet came over the entire scene. The man then picked up his own luggage and walked to the back of the line.

One little act of counter-intelligence turned a disaster into a magical moment . . . all because of one act of genuine humility.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Leonard Sweet