Old Bones
by Maxie Dunnam

When the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport first opened in the 1970s, a mounted skeleton of a plesiosaur was put on display between Gates 10 and 11.  His bones were found during the excavating necessary to build that modern air terminal. The plesiosaur was a great lizard, 25 feet long, 10,000 pounds and is said to be 70 million years old.  Hurried travelers, like myself I'm sure, experience what I have experienced on coming upon that sight.  The combination of the old and the new left me musing about life itself.  When 10 years have passed, how significant will be what I'm doing today?  Next month, will what is causing me anxiety today still be a problem?  That which I think is so important -- how important will it be a year from now?

It helps me to live my day in that fashion -- examine what is making me anxious and that which I think is important against a little bit of time rather than the pressure of today.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., by Maxie Dunnam