Nothing Bad That I Do Is My Fault
Luke 7:36-50
by Billy D. Strayhorn

That precocious little boy from the comics, Calvin, walked into the living room where his father was sitting in a chair reading. Calvin announces: "I've concluded that nothing bad that I do is my fault."

Dad's curiosity is peaked, so Dad says, "Oh?"

Calvin continues: "Right! Being young and impressionable, I'm the helpless victim of countless bad influences! An unwholesome culture panders to my undeveloped values and pushes me to malfeasance. I take no responsibility for my behavior! I'm an innocent pawn! It's society's fault."

Dad is totally unimpressed and says, "Then you need to build more character. Go shovel the walk."

In the last scene, Calvin is shoveling snow and complains, "These discussions never go where they're supposed to go."

Many of us are just like Calvin, we don't want to take responsibility for our actions. We don't want to be accountable. We don't want to own up to our faults and our sinfulness. We delude ourselves by blaming the stink of sin on others.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Billy D. Strayhorn