New Doors Will Open
Luke 24:13-35
by Wayne Cordeiro and Robert Lewis

David Livingstone, the famous nineteenth-century missionary and explorer, was eager to travel into the uncharted lands of Central Africa to preach the gospel. On one occasion he arrived at the edge of a large territory that was ruled by a tribal chieftain. He was instructed to stop at the perimeter and wait. According to tradition, the chief would come out to meet him there. Livingstone could go forward only after an exchange was made. The chief would choose any item of Livingstone's personal property that caught his fancy and keep it for himself, while giving the missionary something of his own in return.

Livingstone had few possessions with him, but he obediently spread them all out on the ground–his clothes, his books, his watch, and even the goat that provided him with milk, since chronic stomach problems kept him from drinking the local water. To his dismay, the chief took the goat. In return, the chief gave him a carved stick, shaped like a walking cane.

Livingstone was most disappointed. He began to gripe to God about what he viewed as a stupid walking cane. What could it do for him, compared to the goat who kept him well? Then one of the natives explained, "That's not a walking cane. It's the king's very own scepter, and with it you will find entrance to every village in our country. The king has honored you greatly."

The native was right. God opened Central Africa to Livingstone, and as successive evangelists followed him, wave after wave of conversions occurred.

We believe that when you, as a church leader, find the keys to your culture, it will be similar to receiving the king's scepter. With it, new doors will open to you. Dreams you've had for transforming, revitalizing or strengthening your church will now have ways of becoming reality.

Jossey-Bass, Culture Shift: Transforming Your Church from the Inside Out, by Wayne Cordeiro and Robert Lewis