Natural Disasters and The Second Coming
Mark 13:1-31
by Brett Blair

Some folk in Seattle were sure the end of the earth would come in the year 2000. Earthquakes. Floods, wars, and tornadoes will devastate the earth, they said, by the year 2001. They had planed to build an airship so they could escape. I wish I knew what these people are doing right now. Whatever good or ill lies ahead in life we need not worry about some human device to reassure us. In His own good time "the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout" and "we which are alive shall he caught up to meet him in the air." We have nothing to fear, and the only preparation we need to make is to stay close to the Lord Jesus and keep our lives pure.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Christianglobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair