Nanook of the North
Mt 10:1-4; Lk 6:12-16
by Brett Blair

As a young man Robert Flaherty was a prospector. A trade he learned growing up in his father's business. He spent many months in the far north looking for iron ore and cod. He found neither, but during his explorations, being something of a photographer, he shot 30,000 feet of film during the travels. He was encouraged by friends to edit the film and create a movie, which Flaherty spent weeks doing. But just as he finished, a match from his cigarette dropped among the celluloid, consuming the entire film and burning Flaherty's hands badly. His response to the disaster was a determination to return to the far north and make a film of Eskimo life, that he said, "people will never forget." He did just that, and the result was the first documentary in history. The classic 1922 documentary, Nanook of the North. Flaherty is now of course, consider the father of the documentary.

As we live our lives it's often the secondary thing that occurs, that ends up being our calling. Be still and listen. Raise your awareness to the secondary. It just might be your calling.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc, Illustrations from ChristianGlobe, by Brett Blair