Misleading Questions
Luke 20:27-38
by Brett Blair

Misleading Questions:

  1. Luke 20:1-2 Chief Priest and Elders question Jesus about his Authority
  2. Luke 20:20 Spies are sent to catch him in a slip of the tongue
  3. Luke 20:27-33 Sadducees

All are insincere tricks but Jesus proves to be more than a match for his adversaries.

With the third misleading question, the Sadducees try to expose the resurrection as a ridiculous theological concept by posing an impossible scenario and thereby trap Jesus in his thoughts: A woman is married seven times to a series of brothers who father no children and she survives them all. In the resurrection whose wife is she? Jesus reveals that the question is built on a false premise since the institution of marriage ceases to exist with the advent of the age of resurrection.

Score now: Jesus -- 3

Religious leaders -- 0.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair