Million Dollar Goals
by Maxie Dunnam

In 1985, after the disastrous earthquake that hit Mexico City, The Los Angeles Times reported a beautiful story that took place in the streets of its city.  A little Japanese-American boy decided that he would like to do something to help the victims of that earthquake.  When he heard that the damages had gone into the millions of dollars, he decided that he would like to raise a million dollars himself to send to those victims. He started going door to door in Los Angeles selling postcards for 25 cents.  When he came to one house and presented his cause, the man asked him how much he hoped to raise. 

Without even hesitating, the little boy said, "a million dollars."

"A million dollars?!," exclaimed the man.  "That's a lot of money.  Do you expect to raise it by yourself?"  I like what the little boy said.

"Oh, no sir. There's another boy helping me."

What commitment.  What expectation.  Nothing worthwhile ever happens to any of us without that kind of vision and expectation.  Great dreams and high hopes fueled by faith and action is the stuff for great accomplishments.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., by Maxie Dunnam