Master Of The Storms
Mark 4:35-41
by Harold H. Lentz

An elderly pastor was crossing the ocean some years ago on an ocean liner. One morning he awoke to hear the ship's foghorn blasting an ominous warning every fifteen seconds. Going out on deck he saw that the fog was so thick that he could see only a few feet in front of him. The fearful thought crossed his mind that under these circumstances there could be a fatal crash of two ships and all aboard would drown in the mighty ocean far from land. He made his way forward on the deck until he could see the ship's bridge. It was very reassuring to see that standing on the bridge was the ship's captain, a man of many ocean crossings. The figure of the ship's captain standing at his post gave great reassurance to the minister as the vessel crawled ahead in the fog.

How reassuring it is to the Christian to know that amid the storms of life Christ is alert to our difficulties. He who took command of the mighty waves on the Sea of Galilee will answer our cry as we call upon him when the waves of life roll over us.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, Preaching The Miracles, by Harold H. Lentz