Object: A straight stick.
Good morning, boys and girls. Last week we said we were going to be talking about pride during the Christmas season because Christmas season is a time of honoring the humble things in this world.
Today our Scripture lesson is about when the angel told the Virgin Mary that she would bear a child and His name would be Jesus. Mary was overjoyed and she prayed a prayer in which she gave thanks that God would honor her in this way. She was such a humble person and yet God had chosen her.
Last week we said that pride puffs us up and makes us thing that we're more important than other people. Puffing up with pride made me think of a frog story.
Once upon a time there were two ducks and a frog who became friends. They had taken up mutual residence in a farmer's pond. It was a hot, dry summer, however, and the pond began to dry up. The ducks could easily fly to another location, but not the poor frog. He had an idea. The ducks could pick up a stick in their bills, like this one, with each holding onto one end. The frog, then, could clamp his jaws around the middle of the stick and as the ducks flew to a new location, he could ride along. It worked beautifully. They hopped from one pond to another.
One day as they were flying two farmers caught sight of them. One said to the other, "What an ingenious idea! I wonder who thought it up." The frog said, "I diiiiiiiiiiiiiiid!" Plop! What happened? When he took credit for the ingenious idea, he let go of the stick, didn't he? He fell because he was proud.
Christmas is a time when we honor the humble, the insignificant, the small. It is not a time of puffing ourselves up like the old frog. It is a time of bowing before the little babe of Bethlehem and offering him our hearts.