Making Your Mark
Mt 23:1-12
by King Duncan

A legend during the classic time of Greece tells of a terrible thing happened in one of the temples. One night the statue of Zeus was mysteriously smashed and desecrated. A tremendous uproar arose among the inhabitants. They feared the vengeance of the gods. The town crier walked the city streets commanding the criminal to appear without delay before the Elders to receive his just punishment.

The perpetrator naturally had no desire to give himself up. In fact, a week later another statue of a god was destroyed. Now the people suspected that a madman was loose. Guards were posted. At last their vigilance was rewarded; the culprit was caught. He was asked, "Do you know what fate awaits you?"

"Yes," he answered, almost cheerfully. "Death."

"Aren't you afraid to die?"

"Yes, I am." he answered.

"Then why did you commit a crime which you knew was punishable by death?" they asked.

The man swallowed hard and then answered, "I am a nobody. All my life I've been a nobody. I've never done anything to distinguish myself and I knew I never would. I wanted to do something to make people notice me...and remember me." The need to be recognized, to be appreciated, to have people know your name can carry a tragic price tag.

Note: We could not find any ancient renditions of this event so we have marked this legend. 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan